- 0. home
- 1. Blog feature
- 1. Featured Event Page Calendar
- 1. Featured Blog Post Page Blog
- 2. Featured Blog Post Page
- 1. Checkered Panels
- 2. Toi Reo Māori
- 3. homepage_checkered_panel_1_redirect
- 2. Language plan
- 3. homepage_checkered_panel_2_redirect
- 2. Te Whare o te Reo Mauriora
- 3. homepage_checkered_panel_3_redirect
- 2. LFE
- 3. homepage_checkered_panel_4_redirect
- 1. Intro tiles (2)
- 2. Intro tile 1
- 3. homepage_featured_tile_1_redirect
- 2. Intro tile 2
- 3. homepage_featured_tile_2_redirect
- 1. Featured banner (old)
- 1. Homepage banner (top)
- 1. Featured banner (bottom)
- 2. homepage_featured_banner_bottom_redirect
- 1. Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024
- 0. He kupu mō mātou | About us
- 1. Ō mātou kōrero | Our story
- 2. Born of activism
- 2. Ō mātou waitohu | Our logos
- 3. Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori logo
- 3. Kia kaha te reo Māori logo
- 2. Big quote
- 2. First board
- 2. Celebrating and promoting te reo Māori
- 1. Ā mātou mahi | Our mahi
- 2. Our story
- 2. Our vision
- 2. What we do
- 2. Our mission
- 2. Corporate documents
- 3. Annual Report
- 3. Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE)
- 3. Statement of Intent (SOI)
- 3. Maihi Karauna Implementation Plan
- 3. Briefing papers to incoming Ministers (BIM)
- 3. Chief Executive’s Expenses
- 3. Maihi Karauna Annual Report
- 3. Kia Toipoto Gender Pay Gap Action Plan
- 2. Our mahi checkered panels
- 3. Toi Reo Māori panel
- 4. our_mahi_checkered_panel_1_redirect
- 3. Plan for language revitalisation panel
- 4. our_mahi_checkered_panel_2_redirect
- 3. Research & evaluation panel
- 4. our_mahi_checkered_panel_3_redirect
- 3. Level Finder Examination panel
- 4. our_mahi_checkered_panel_4_redirect
- 1. Ko wai mātou | Our people
- 2. Our teams
- 3. Te Toko Reo | Partnerships and Promotions
- 3. Te Hiringa | Language Planning
- 3. Te Amo | Translators, Research & Evaluation
- 3. Te Hāpai Ō | Admin and Support
- 2. Board directory
- 2. SLT directory
- 1. Ngā FAQ | FAQs
- 2. FAQ_topics
- 3. FAQ - Te Wiki o te Reo Māori
- 4. What is Te Wiki o te Reo Māori?
- 4. How can I get involved?
- 4. Why is Māori Language Week held in September?
- 4. Why just a week? Why not a month or year?
- 4. Where can I buy merchandise?
- 4. How can my organisation register for Māori Language Week?
- 4. What are some ideas for organisations to celebrate Māori Language Week?
- 4. Can I get posters for my event?
- 4. Can I use the Māori Language Week heitiki logo for my event?
- 3. FAQ - Language Planning
- 4. What is language planning?
- 4. What does a language plan look like?
- 4. Do I have to have a language plan?
- 4. What are the benefits of having a language plan?
- 4. What is the language planning process? How long does it take?
- 4. Where/How do we start a language plan?
- 4. What can you do for us?
- 4. Does it cost?
- 4. Who else is doing this?
- 4. What HR induction resources are available?
- 4. What is the difference between a language plan and a language strategy?
- 4. What are examples of Māori language activities for the office?
- 3. FAQ - Translations
- 4. Does Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori offer translation and/or interpretation services?
- 4. Does Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori accept translation requests for short phrases or words?
- 4. What iwi dialect of te reo Māori is correct?
- 3. FAQ - Resources
- 4. Where can I find te reo Māori resources?
- 4. Where can I learn te reo? Do you have a course list?
- 4. Where can I find downloadable posters?
- 4. Where can I find resources for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori?
- 4. Can I suggest a new resource?
- 4. Where can I learn more about tikanga Māori?
- 3. FAQ - Research
- 4. What research is available to help me?
- 4. Do you fund research projects?
- 4. Where can I get up-to-date data of speakers and uptake of te reo Māori?
- 3. FAQ - Merchandise
- 4. Can I buy Reo Māori merchandise?
- 4. Can I print my own merchandise?
- 4. Why don’t you sell merchandise? It’s great for promoting te reo.
- 3. FAQ - Become a Translator
- 4. How can I become a licensed translator and/or interpreter?
- 4. How much does it cost to get your translator and/or interpreter license?
- 4. Does Toi Reo Māori have an online option?
- 4. What is the entry criteria, and what qualifications are required for entry to Toi Reo Māori?
- 4. How often are Toi Reo Māori examinations held?
- 4. Who organises Toi Reo Māori?
- 4. What preparation is required to achieve the necessary standard?
- 4. Is attendance to all hui whakangungu compulsory?
- 4. Can I use my regional or tribal variations in vocabulary and grammar structures?
- 4. Is there an internal assessment?
- 4. What shall I bring to the training courses?
- 4. When do registrations close?
- 4. I have my translator’s license but my name isn’t on the register...
- 3. FAQ - Funding and Sponsorships
- 4. Do you have any funding available for reo Māori projects?
- 4. Do you sponsor events?
- 3. FAQ - Level Finder Examination
- 4. What is the Level Finder Examination (LFE)?
- 4. How can I sign up to sit an exam?
- 4. Can I sit the exam with my workplace?
- 4. When do the exams take place?
- 4. How much does it cost to sit the exam?
- 4. Are you looking to make this exam available online?
- 3. FAQ - Using our logos
- 4. Where can I download the Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori logo?
- 4. Where can I download the kia kaha te reo Māori logo?
- 4. Can I use the kia kaha te reo Māori logo to print my own merchandise?
- 4. Can I use the kia kaha te reo Māori logo for my event?
- 3. FAQ - Media
- 4. How can I get an interview with someone from Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori?
- 4. Do you have any data and research we can use for our story?
- 4. How can we get support from Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori for promotion?
- 4. Do you offer advertising space on your website?
- 4. Where can I get up-to-date data of speakers and uptake of te reo Māori?
- 2. FAQ Send a message
- 2. faq_send_a_message_basic
- 1. He tūranga mahi | Vacancies
- 0. Ngā mahi whakarauora | History & revitalisation
- 1. Te Whare o te Reo Mauriora | Māori Language Strategy
- 2. Our partners strategic goals
- 3. Our Partner - Te Mātāwai
- 4. Te Mātāwai Redirect
- 3. Our Partner - Te Māngai Pāho
- 4. Te Māngai Pāho Redirect
- 3. Our Partner - Te Puni Kōkiri
- 4. Te Puni Kōkiri Redirect
- 3. Our Partner - Māori Television
- 4. Māori Television Redirect
- 3. Our Partner - Ministry of Education
- 4. Ministry of Education Redirect
- 3. Our Partner - Ministry for Culture & Heritage
- 4. Ministry for Culture & Heritage Redirect
- 3. Our Partner - Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission
- 4. States Services Commission Redirect
- 3. Our Partner - Department of Internal Affairs
- 4. Department of Internal Affairs Redirect
- 2. Māori Language Strategy Basic Banner
- 1. Te wāhi ki te ture | Legislation
- 2. The Te Reo Māori Claim - WAI11 (1985)
- 2. The Māori Language Act (1987)
- 2. Te Ture Mō te Reo Māori (2016)
- 1. He tātai kōrero | Moments in history
- 0. Ngā mahi whakamāori | Translations
- 1. Te Rēhita Kaiwhakamāori | Translators and Interpreters Register
- 2. Whakapā atu | Contact
- 2. Translators and Interpreters through the years
- 1. He aratohu | Best practice guidelines
- 2. Find a translator banner
- 2. Best practice for translations
- 1. Toi Reo Māori | Certification of translators and interpreters
- 2. Toi Reo Māori intro
- 0. Ngā kaupapa nui o te wā | News & events
- 1. Putunga rongo hou | News
- 2. Commission thanks students: Kia kaha Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Rito
- 2. Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori welcomes Matariki 2022 Announcement
- 2. News_intro
- 2. Māori language campaign wins global communications prize
- 2. Toi Reo Māori 2021
- 2. Te reo Māori game gets native trees in the ground this lockdown
- 2. An Open Letter to Aotearoa
- 2. Māori Language Moment 2021
- 2. Matariki, the gatherer of people | Matariki Hunga Nui
- 2. Māori Language Moment wins top international awards
- 2. Māori Language Week dates for 2021 announced
- 2. The future of te reo begins today: with all of us.
- 2. Māori Language Awards 2020 shared by more than 1 million
- 2. Betty Hauraki receives Lifetime Achievement Award for te reo Māori revitalisation efforts
- 2. Over 1 million celebrate te reo Māori for the Māori Language Moment
- 2. Māori Language Moment: Be the 1 in a million
- 2. Tohu Manukura i te Reo Māori: Race Unity Speech Awards 2020
- 2. Māori terminology for Covid-19 released
- 2. An open letter to Aotearoa from the Māori Language Commission
- 2. Iconic speech by Christchurch survivor translated into Māori
- 2. Ngā Toa Reo Māori 2019
- 2. Raranga.Tahi Summit 2019
- 2. Finalists - Ngā Tohu Reo Māori 2019
- 2. Māori Language Awards 2019 open
- 2. Seven steps to te reo success
- 2. Tribute to wāhine toa who help keep te reo Māori strong
- 2. He aituā
- 2. Don’t know your ‘kia’ from your ‘ora’?
- 2. Governor-General launches countdown to Māori Language Week
- 2. There’s a whole lot of great te reo teaching going on: we need more!
- 2. Good for te reo, good for business!
- 2. Time out! Talk to us! – Māori Language Commissioner
- 2. There are just 90 days to go until Māori Language Week 2019
- 2. A strategic revitalisation budget for te reo Māori
- 2. Maihi Karauna: the Crown’s Māori Language Strategy
- 2. Māori language champions celebrated at National Awards
- 2. Finalists - Ngā Tohu Reo Māori 2018
- 2. Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2018: Mīharo kē!
- 2. New Māori language comedy ad
- 2. Māori Language Week Ambassadors 2018
- 2. "Kia Kaha te Reo Taiao" a new learning resource in partnership with the Department of Conservation
- 2. Vodafone and Māori Language Commission join forces to give kaha to te reo
- 2. Mahuru Māori 2018
- 2. Six parades! September 10-16
- 2. A working partnership for Māori Language Revitalisation
- 2. Hon Koro Wētere
- 2. Working together with our te reo Māori Heritage
- 2. New Chair for Māori Language Commission
- 2. He Pātaka Kupu now available as an app
- 2. This year, choose te reo Māori
- 2. Revitalisation efforts have been celebrated at the National Māori Language Awards
- 2. Search begins for Māori language champions
- 2. Kua rāhiritia e te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori he mema hou ki te poari
- 2. Ka tuwhera te tono pūtea mā te reo mō ngā tau 2016
- 2. Māori language champions to be celebrated at national awards
- 2. New stamps, new Māori words
- 2. Māori Language Parade 2017
- 2. Open day celebrates 30 years official Māori language status
- 2. 30 Year Anniversary Celebration
- 2. Ngā Tohu Reo Māori 2016 ko ngā whiringa toa
- 2. Te Ahu o te Reo: Te reo Māori in homes and communities
- 2. Kaua e whiua, whanaia!
- 2. Kia ora te reo - Māori Language Week theme announced
- 2. Kua piki te pakari o Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori nā tōna kawenga hou me te kopounga o ētahi mema hou
- 2. New Zealand’s Battle for te reo Māori: Call for Stories
- 2. The Māori Language Commission paid tribute to the late leader, Tā Wira Gardiner
- 2. Coming soon: te reo Māori courses for the public sector
- 2. About all the Māori nonsense - a response from Māori Language Commissioner, Professor Rawinia Higgins
- 2. Koha for Kōhanga as whānau invited to share their reo stories
- 2. Māori Language Commission pays tribute to the late Anaru Robb
- 2. Early birthday present for Māori Language Commission
- 2. 35 years since te reo became an official language of New Zealand
- 2. Commission welcomes te reo chocolate wrappers
- 2. We are not just woke: we are wide awake - Māori Language Commissioner, Professor Rawinia Higgins
- 2. Reo Māori Pins released for supporters of te reo
- 2. New Zealand’s Battle for te reo: Call for stories
- 2. Recognising legacy contributions to the revival of te reo Māori
- 2. A message from King Charles III
- 2. OPINION: Language “worrie”’ than a “warrior”.
- 2. Te Wiki o te Reo Māori dates confirmed for 2023.
- 2. 36 years of te reo Māori as an official language
- 2. Global call to protect indigenous languages by law
- 2. An Open Letter to Aotearoa ahead of Māori Language Week 2023
- 2. Ngā Tohu Reo Māori returns after four years
- 2. Dates confirmed for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024
- 2. Ngā Tohu Reo Māori: Lifetime achievement awarded to three prominent wāhine
- 2. New Māori resource for Olympic Games launched: Cheer on our Olympians in te reo Māori!
- 1. He Muka
- 2. He Muka Intro
- 2. Kupu hou - Ngā mahi whakapakari tinana
- 2. He Tuhinga Tawhito - He Mate Urutā
- 2. He Hokinga Mahara – He Muka, Tīhema 2014
- 2. Origin Roots Aotearoa
- 2. He pēhitanga te whakature kano āraimate
- 2. Māku anō koutou e kāwhiu ki te kopiona
- 2. Kei whea te korimako e kō?
- 2. Kupu hou - Te rorohiko
- 2. Tahuti mai ki te wao o taku kura e, hi!
- 2. Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua
- 2. He oranga kei roto i te reo Māori ki ngā wāhi mahi puta noa i Aotearoa
- 2. He tuatahitanga – Manu Kōrero Ā-Motu, ā-ipurangi kaua ā-kiko
- 2. Te Mate Urutā 1862
- 2. Mauri tū, Mauri ora, Mauri moe, Mauri mate!
- 2. Manu Kōrero 2021
- 2. Te Kura Kaupapa Motuhake o Tawhiuau, He Kura ā-Iwi
- 2. Nau mai Matariki te ariki o te rangi
- 2. He hokinga mahara ki ngā mātauranga o nehe rā
- 2. E ara, e Tā Pou
- 2. Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna
- 2. Kupu Mātauranga Tātai Arorangi
- 2. Sonny ki Te Tiri o te Moana
- 2. Kupu hou: Huitopa
- 2. Me ūpoko pakaru ka tika!
- 2. Tihei mauriora!
- 2. Pūrongo – Te Papa Tupu 2021
- 2. Te pae nekeneke o Ruatāhuna!
- 2. Kupu hou: Kirihimete
- 2. Te anga hou o Te Mātāwai
- 2. He mihi mō te kirihimete me te tau hou - Te Toa Takitini 1921
- 2. Ko tōku reo, tōku rongomaiwhiti
- 2. Mō te iwi Māori te take
- 2. Taku hīkoitanga o te ao pāpāho
- 2. Ōkupu – te taupānga whakamāori tuatahi
- 2. Tā Mātou Pono - Stuff NZ
- 2. He maimai aroha
- 2. He moumou taima te kōrero Māori ki te hunga kāore ō rātou reo?
- 2. Whakanuia te reo Māori
- 2. Te Wiki o te Reo Māori me Taringa
- 2. Iti rearea, teitei kahikatea ka taea!
- 2. Kotahi miriona tāngata i whakanui i te reo Māori i te wā kotahi
- 2. Hinga atu, hinga mai
- 2. Te Wānanga
- 2. Kupu hou - Covid-19
- 2. Ki hea hoatu ai te tohutō?
- 2. A Tohutō - He ruri
- 2. Ngā Pepa Tawhito - Whānautanga Pōtiki a Te Kuini
- 2. Raranga.Tahi - Te Rongo me te Whakamana i te Reo o te Rangatahi
- 2. Ngā kaupae e whitu ki te angitutanga o te reo Māori
- 2. Kua whakanuia ngā toa whakaihuwaka reo Māori 2019
- 2. Raukura - Tuku Iho ki Hapani
- 2. Te rangapū whakamutunga o Te Panekiretanga o te Reo
- 2. Te Whakaoranga o te reo - Pā Wānanga ki Te Puna Mātauranga o Ngāti Toa Rangatira
- 2. Toi Reo Māori 2020
- 2. “He Hiki Roa tō Hiki!”
- 2. Te Matatini ki te Ao
- 2. He Aha te Mea Nui o te Ao?
- 2. Kia ūkaipō anō te reo Māori
- 2. Ko tā te kaiwhakawā mahi
- 2. Tākuta James Te Wharehuia Milroy
- 2. He whakaaro noa - He Muka 1995
- 2. Kupu hou - Hangarau Matihiko
- 2. He mihi ki te hunga mate
- 2. Ko Ngā Tumanako ngā toa whakaihuwaka
- 2. Te Vaka Reo ki Hawai'i 2019
- 2. Te reo Māori, tōku oranga, tōku ara mahi
- 2. Te kupu a te Toihau
- 2. Ngā Kupu Hangarau
- 2. Ngā kupu kāore i roto i te Wiremu
- 2. Karanga Aotearoa e!
- 2. Ngā Toa Reo Māori 2018
- 2. Whakamāoritia te ao
- 2. Kupu hou - Hangarau
- 2. Ngā mihi nui o te wā - He Muka 1994
- 2. Te rautau o taku māramatanga
- 2. He mihi nā Hone Heke
- 2. Whatarangi Winiata - Te Tohu Oranga Angitu
- 2. Ko te ‘Aotearoatanga’ o te reo
- 2. Ka whati a tai ka pao te tōrea
- 2. Mahuru Māori 2018
- 2. Kupu Hou - Mahuru
- 2. Kura Reo o Te Hunga Rōia Māori
- 2. Maimoatia te reo
- 2. Ahorangi He Reanga Hou
- 2. Te Panekiretanga o te Reo
- 2. He aha rā te hua o te kaiwhakawhiti reo i te ao hangarau nei?
- 2. Ngā mihi o te aromahana - He Muka 1994
- 2. Kua tau te tau, kua tau anō te reo Māori
- 2. Te orokohanga mai o Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori
- 2. He oranga reo, he oranga tangata
- 2. He kōrero mō Matariki
- 2. Toi Reo Māori 2018
- 2. Kei hea te taunga mō te manu kaewa?
- 2. Te Aumangea
- 2. He kohinga mai i Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa 1857
- 2. Kupu Hou - Pipiri
- 2. Te Kāhui Whakamāori
- 2. He Pātaka Kupu
- 2. Ahorangi John Moorfield
- 2. Me pēhea te reo Māori e ora ai?
- 2. Ki a māua hoa Māori o Te Tai Rāwhiti
- 2. Kupu Hou - Haratua
- 2. Ko te reo hei taukaea ki te ao
- 2. He mihi nā te Tumuaki
- 2. E Tā Tīmoti, E Ara E!
- 2. He Muka 2010 –2015 Pūrangaranga
- 2. He Muka 2005 - 2009 Pūrangaranga
- 2. Ka maranga ake au
- 2. Kia toitū ko Toi Reo
- 2. Hokia ki ō maunga, ki ō kāinga maha
- 2. Te Ao Matihiko: He mōreareatanga, he āheinga nui rānei ki ā tātou tikanga?
- 2. Tākarohia Te Reo Whutupōro
- 2. He Tuhinga Tawhito – Te Waka Māori, 7 o Nōema, 1867
- 2. Kupu hou - Ngā wāhanga o te tinana
- 2. Ko tō auahatanga te taumata
- 2. He Hokinga Mahara - Ngā Mahi Waihanga Kupu Hou o Mua
- 2. Wahine Toa
- 2. Atikara Tawhito – Ngā Kura Māori
- 1. Rauemi | Resources
- 2. rauemi_resources_blog
- 3. Language Plan Template
- 3. Te Reo Māori Attitudes Survey
- 3. Organisation Survey of Support for Te Reo Māori
- 3. Key Questions for Organisations Developing a Language Plan
- 3. The Language Planning Process
- 3. Key Questions for Monitoring and Evaluation
- 3. E Tipu - Organisation Capability Model
- 2. Our resources have moved
- 3. Resources recruiting banner redirect
- 1. Te Wiki o te Reo Māori | Māori Language Week
- 2. Māori Language Week
- 2. Kia kaha te reo Māori
- 2. From parades to an online gathering
- 2. Join the movement
- 3. Te Wiki Recruiting Banner Redirect
- 1. Ngā Tohu Reo Māori | Māori Language Awards
- 2. What's happening?
- 2. Previous Years
- 3. Ngā Kākā Kura o te Reo 2022
- 4. nga_tohu_2022_basic_1
- 4. Honourees
- 4. nga_tohu_2022_basic_2
- 4. nga_tohu_2022_basic_4
- 3. Ngā Tohu Reo Māori 2020
- 4. Introduction
- 4. Page feature
- 4. *Highlights* from Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori 2020
- 4. School feature
- 4. School highlights 2020
- 4. Pakihi feature
- 4. Organisation highlights 2020
- 4. Community feature
- 4. Individual feature
- 4. Community highlights 2020
- 4. Individual highlights 2020
- 3. Ngā Tohu Reo Māori 2019
- 4. Intro text
- 4. Supreme winner
- 4. Lifetime achievement award
- 4. Award winners 2019
- 3. Ngā Tohu Reo Māori 2024
- 4. Ngā Tohu Reo Māori 2024
- 4. Te Tohu Oranga Angitu *Lifetime Achievement Award*
- 4. Te Tohu Oranga Angitu *Lifetime Achievement Award* 2
- 4. Te Tohu Oranga Angitu *Lifetime Achievement Award* 3
- 4. Te Tohu Tū Rangatira *Tū Rangatira Supreme Award*
- 4. Ngā Kaiwhiwhi Tohu 2024 | Award Winners 2024
- 4. Ngā Kaitautoko | Sponsors
- 2. nga_tohu_concertinas
- 3. Te Ao Matihiko - Digital Award
- 3. Ngā Toi - Arts Award
- 3. Hapori - Community Award
- 3. Pakihi - Business Award
- 3. Mātauranga - Education Award
- 3. Te Ao Pāpāho - Media Award
- 3. Te Rāngai Tūmatanui - Public Service Award
- 3. Rangatahi - Youth Award
- 3. Tū Rangatira - Supreme Award
- 2. Ngā Tohu FAQs
- 3. When do nominations close?
- 3. Why have nominations for Ngā Tohu Reo Māori been extended?
- 3. I submitted my nomination, but I want to re-do it, can I do this?
- 3. Can we nominate in multiple categories?
- 3. Do I have to be Māori to nominate or be nominated?
- 3. Can I submit a nomination for a group based overseas?
- 3. Can I buy tickets to Ngā Tohu Reo Māori?
- 0. Te whakamahere reo | Language planning
- 1. OLD - Te whakamahere reo | Language planning
- 2. Language Planning Intro
- 2. Why create a Māori language plan?
- 2. Get started on your plan - steps
- 3. 1. Self assessment
- 3. 2. Plan development
- 3. 3. Implementation
- 3. 4. Review & refresh
- 2. Link to 5 elements of LP
- 2. language planning banner
- 1. Te whakamahere reo | Language planning
- 2. Language Planning Landing Page 1
- 3. Language Planning Landing Page 1 Redirect
- 2. Language Planning Landing Page 2
- 2. Language Planning Get Started
- 3. 1. Self assessment
- 3. 2. Plan development
- 3. 3. Implementation
- 3. 4. Review & refresh
- 2. Ngā Taiopenga | Upcoming events
- 3. language planning upcoming events submit an event
- 3. Language Planning Events Intro
- 3. Uhi Tai 2024 - The Maihi Karauna Symposium
- 3. Waha Kōrero Speech Competition
- 2. Featured Video
- 2. Language_planning_upcoming_events_module
- 2. Language Planning Language Normalisation
- 2. Language Planning 5 Elements
- 3. Language Planning Element 1
- 3. Language Planning Element 2
- 3. Language Planning Element 3
- 3. Language Planning Element 4
- 3. Language Planning Element 5
- 2. language-planning_video_header
- 2. Pronunciation videos
- 3. common phrases
- 3. saying goodbye
- 3. the ng sound
- 3. the r sound
- 3. the wh sound
- 3. things to practice
- 1. Rauemi | Resources
- 2. Orthography
- 3. orthography redirect link
- 2. Pronunciation guide
- 3. Pronunciation guide redirect link
- 2. Pronunciation Videos
- 3. Language Planning Pronunciation Videos
- 2. Pronunciation App
- 3. Pronunciation App redirect link
- 2. My mihi
- 3. My mihi redirect link
- 2. Te Reo mō te Tari
- 2. General bilingual signage
- 2. Bilingual signage for the kitchen
- 2. Bilingual signage for reception
- 2. Bilingual greetings and sign offs for Outlook
- 2. Bilingual report headings
- 2. Bilingual Job titles
- 2. Kāhui Reo Māori
- 3. Kāhui Reo Māori redirect link
- 2. Ngā kare ā-roto. Emotions
- 2. Bingo Wharewhare
- 3. Bingo Wharewhare Redirect
- 2. Language Planning Elements Poster
- 2. Mihi and Mita Poster
- 2. Waiata
- 2. Karakia
- 2. Poipoia te tangata! Poipoia te reo!
- 2. Poipoia te tangata! Poipoia te reo!
- 2. Te Reo Mō Te Hui
- 3. Te Reo Mō Te Hui Mobile Redirect
- 2. Te Reo Mō Te Hui
- 3. Te Reo Mō Te Hui ppt redirect
- 2. Te Reo Mō Te Hui
- 3. Te Reo Mō Te Hui Redirect
- 1. Tautoko | Need help
- 2. Language Planning Help Support 1
- 3. Mana whenua
- 3. Kāhui
- 2. Language Planning Help Support Header
- 2. Contact us
- 1. Tīmatahia tō mahere | Make a plan
- 2. Language Planning What and How 1
- 2. What and How Normalisation Exemplars
- 3. what_and_how_normalisation_exemplar_1
- 3. what_and_how_normalisation_exemplar_2
- 3. what_and_how_normalisation_exemplar_3
- 2. what_and_how_te_reo_core_business
- 2. what_and_how_what_next
- 3. what_and_how_what_next_redirect
- 1. Uhi Tai | Language Symposium
- 2. image left 1
- 2. image left 2
- 2. three images
- 2. external link banner
- 3. language_symposium_external_link_banner_redirect
- 0. Ngā rangahau me ngā pūrongo | Research & reports
- 1. Tānga kōrero | Reports library
- 2. Reports Library Intro
- 2. He Ara Poutama mō te Reo Māori
- 2. Central Pulse Te Reo Māori Report
- 2. Te Mana o Te Reo Māori
- 2. Language Planning and Policy
- 2. Tukua ki te Ao
- 2. Whakanuia te Reo
- 2. Ki te Tahatū o te Rangi
- 2. Te Ahu o te Reo
- 2. Te Tai - Te Reo Maori Treaty Settlement Stories in Broadcasting
- 2. Reo Māori Pākehā Voices
- 2. Kura Whakarauora
- 2. Measuring the value of the contribution of Māori language and culture to the New Zealand economy
- 2. Te Matataua o te Reo
- 2. International good practice for developing and disseminating lexicon
- 2. Toi Reo Māori Programme Evaluation 2021/22
- 2. Level Finder Examination Programme Evaluation 2021/22
- 2. Provision of Te Reo Māori to the Public Sector, Final Evaluation Report
- 2. Kura Reo Rāngai Tūmatanui, Final evaluation report
- 2. The Formative Evaluation of the Maihi Karauna 2021/22
- 2. Te Kete a KoPA – A Right-shift Measurement Tool
- 2. Te Whare o te Reo Mauriora Formative Evaluation 2021/22
- 3. Te Whare o te Mauriora Evaluation (English)
- 3. Te Whare o te Mauriora Evaluation (Māori)
- 2. He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori. Maihi Karauna: Monitoring Report.
- 2. He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori. Te Rāngai Tūmatanui: Te Reo Māori Insights from the New Zealand Public Service.
- 2. Integrative Literature Review on Non-Indigenous Engagement in Indigenous Languages From Across The World
- 1. Ngā taputapu whakarauora | Revitalisation tools
- 1. Te aroturuki me te arotake | Monitoring & evaluation
- 0. Other pages (folder)
- 1. Contact
- 1. Whakapā mai | Contact us
- 1. Whakamātauria tō Reo | Level Finder Examinations
- 2. Measure your te reo proficiency – Public sector
- 2. Rules & regulations
- 3. Examination format
- 3. Health and safety
- 3. Examination rules
- 3. Reporting results
- 2. LFE Framework
- 3. Level 5 - Complete proficiency
- 3. Level 4 - Higher proficiency
- 3. Level 3 - Moderate proficiency
- 3. Level 2 - Basic conversational proficiency
- 3. Level 1 - Basic routine language
- 2. Find your level of proficiency
- 1. He tauākī matatapu | Privacy statement
- 1. Ngā tikanga whakamahi | Terms of Use
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- 2. AP - Resources (external)
- 3. action_panel_1_redirect
- 2. AP - Translators
- 2. AP - Toi Reo
- 2. AP - Translation Guidelines
- 2. AP - Reports Library
- 2. AP - Evaluation
- 2. AP - Research portal
- 2. AP - Revitalisation Tools
- 2. AP - Te Wiki
- 2. AP - He Muka
- 2. AP - Our Story
- 2. AP - Maori Language Strategy
- 2. QL - Timeline (external)
- 3. Quick Link Timeline Redirect
- 2. AP - Our Mahi
- 2. AP - Legislation
- 2. AP - Our People
- 2. AP - Māori Language Awards
- 2. AP - News
- 2. QL - Self Assessment Tool (external)
- 3. Quick Link Self Assessment Tool Redirect
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