Toi Reo Māori 2021
Toi Reo Māori is a free training course that turns highly proficient speakers into qualified translators and/or interpreters. A number of wānanga are held where you will learn the art of translation from expert tutors.
Registrations have now closed.
- You must be a fluent speaker of te reo Māori, preferably at a Masters level or equivalent and also have a high proficiency in the English language
- Upon registration, you must translate two sets of written pieces and correctly translate at least 80% of both to be accepted into the course. Once registered, you will be sent an email with these pieces to translate and you will have to return final translations by 15 October 2021.
Toi Reo Māori will be delivered through four wānanga: two online and two in person. If you are accepted into Toi Reo Māori, you are required to attend all four wānanga.
- Saturday 30 October – Sunday 31 October 2021
- Saturday 13 November – Sunday 14 November 2021
In person at our Wellington office:
- Saturday 12 March – Sunday 13 March 2022
- Friday 8 April – Sunday 10 April 2022. This wānanga will conclude with the sitting of both the oral and written examinations.
Wānanga will be held on weekends 8.30am – 4.00pm each day including breaks. Applicants are required to attend all sessions.
If Covid-19 is still present in the community all wānanga will be delivered online.
For successful applicants to Toi Reo Māori, there are no course costs. However, participants will be required to organise their own travel to and accommodation in Wellington for in person wānanga. Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori will provide all catering for in person wānanga.
Registrations have now closed.