Reports library

We have commissioned research and evaluation since we were founded in 1987.  Currently we are focused on projects that support the implementation of the Maihi Karauna and Te Whare o te Reo Mauriora.

You can find out about some of our major projects down below.

Integrative Literature Review on Non-Indigenous Engagement in Indigenous Languages From Across The World

The purpose of this literature review is to assist in developing a foundational evidence base that will lay the groundwork for future international collaboration on non-Indigenous engagement in indigenous language revitalisation worldwide. 

He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori. Te Rāngai Tūmatanui: Te Reo Māori Insights from the New Zealand Public Service

This report provides a snapshot of te reo Māori data for the public service workforce using data from 2013 to 2018.

He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori. Maihi Karauna: Monitoring Report

This report uses He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori to project progress towards the three audacious goals of the Maihi Karauna, the Crown’s te reo Māori strategy, from 2023 to 2040.

Te Whare o te Reo Mauriora Formative Evaluation 2021/22

This is the report on the formative evaluation of Te Whare o te Reo Mauriora.

Te Kete a KoPA – A Right-shift Measurement Tool

The KoPA model has been developed into a right-shift measurement framework which can track language change if used repeatedly over time.

The Formative Evaluation of the Maihi Karauna 2021/22

This is the formative evaluation report of the Maihi Karauna strategy 2019–2023.

Kura Reo Rāngai Tūmatanui, Final Evaluation Report

This evaluation examines the Kura Reo Rāngai Tūmatanui pilot initiative.

Provision of Te Reo Māori to the Public Sector, Final Evaluation Report

The evaluation examines the Provision of te reo Māori to the Public Sector pilot initiative.

Toi Reo Māori Programme Evaluation 2021/22

The evaluation examines what activities or approaches have and have not been effective for Toi Reo Māori. It also looks at what changes need to be made to improve Toi Reo Māori for it to be successful online in the future.

Level Finder Examination Programme Evaluation 2021/22

The evaluation examines Whakamātauria to reo Māori, the Level Finder Examination. It also considers what improvements need to be made to it so that it can be delivered online, making it accessible to more people.

International good practice for developing and disseminating lexicon

This literature review focuses on international good practice for lexicon development and dissemination.

He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori

A tool that forecasts the number of conversational and fluent speakers of te reo Māori from now until 2040.

Central Pulse Te Reo Māori Report

The experiences of a mainstream professional high-performance sports team that embraces te reo Māori.

Te Mana o Te Reo Māori

A multimedia resource including history of te reo Māori, an extensive timeline, and profiles of language champions.

Language Planning and Policy

Factors that impact on successful language planning and policy, particularly with respect to Indigenous/minority language revitalisation and maintenance.

Tukua ki te Ao

Investigating the use of te reo Māori in three types of organisations: local council, secondary schools and companies.

Ki te Tahatū o te Rangi

Exploring the integration of Māori language and culture in organisations across New Zealand.

Whakanuia te Reo Kia Ora

How te reo Māori is delivered in English-medium schools; what is working; what success looks like.

Reo Māori Pākehā Voices

This research aimed to understand in depth the experiences of fluent Pākehā speakers of te reo Māori.

Te Tai - Te Reo Maori Treaty Settlement Stories in Broadcasting

This article is about the journey of te reo Māori with a specific focus on the Māori broadcasting sector and its development.

Te Ahu o te Reo

Exploring the health of te reo in Māori homes and communities. The findings from Te Ahu o te Reo will inform funding and delivery of programmes to help ensure the best results for te reo Māori.

Measuring the value of the contribution of Māori language and culture to the New Zealand economy

Te Reo Māori is often discussed as a problem, or an artefact of a dying race. What detractors of Te Reo Māori fail to realise is that, unlike colonial languages which research suggests are interchangeable without negative implications for economic development, Te Reo Māori...

Kura Whakarauora

Kura Whakarauora has transformed the way that participants view the Māori language and has encouraged a change in behaviour or lifestyle to further embrace the Māori language.

Te Matataua o te Reo

A National Research Agenda for the Regeneration and Revitalisation of te Reo Māori.

Te arotuki me te arotake

Monitoring & evaluation

How do we measure success?


Ngā taputapu whakarauora

Revitalisation tools

Revitalisation models and tools
