Te Whare o te Reo Mauriora Formative Evaluation 2021/22

The purpose of Te Ture mō Te Reo Māori 2016 (the Māori Language Act 2016) is to provide the means to support and revitalise te reo Māori, through the reo Māori strategy of the Crown – Maihi Karauna – and the reo Māori strategy of iwi and Māori (herein referred to as iwi Māori) – the Maihi Māori. Through this partnership between Crown and iwi Māori, te reo Māori will be actively protected and promoted for future generations. The partnership is expressed through the metaphor of Te Whare o te Reo Mauriora – (the house of the living language) to signify partners working together to benefit future generations, ‘kotahi te whare, kotahi te kaupapa’.
In March 2021, Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori engaged R & K Consultants Limited, who worked with Aiko Consultants Limited to complete the evaluation.
The evaluation looks at how well the house was established and how it is working. The evaluation considers how well the Crown (represented through the government agencies) and iwi Māori (represented through Te Mātāwai) are working together to create a house where te reo Māori is actively protected and promoted for future generations.