The Formative Evaluation of the Maihi Karauna 2021/22

The Maihi Karauna is the Crown’s strategy to revitalise the Māori language. Developed by Te Puni Kōkiri and launched at Te Matatini in Te Whanganui-a-Tara in February 2019, the five-year strategy (2019-2023) outlines what the Crown will do to revitalise te reo Māori through the coordination of activities across the public sector, to ensure the right conditions are created so that te reo Māori thrives in Aotearoa.
In April 2021, Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori engaged R & K Consultants Limited to undertake a formative evaluation of the Maihi Karauna strategy to consider:
- how well the Maihi Karauna strategy is being implemented.
- the barriers to, and facilitators of, success of the Maihi Karauna strategy.
- whether the Maihi Karauna strategy is tracking towards achieving its current priorities.