Māori Language Awards 2019 open

Nominations are open for Ngā Tohu Reo Māori, the annual Māori Language Awards. They recognise and celebrate people and groups contributing to the revitalisation of te reo Māori.
Anyone can nominate, or be nominated until midnight on Sunday 10 November 2019. The awards will be held at a gala dinner in Auckland on Friday 6 December 2019.
The categories open for nomination are:
1. Iwi | Tribe
2. Whānau | Family
3. Hapori – Māori community revitalisation initiatives
4. Aotearoatanga | New Zealand Community
5. Rangatahi – revitalisation targeting or led by rangatahi
6. Mātauranga – Kaupapa Māori | Education – Māori Medium
7. Mātauranga – Whānui | Education – Open
8. Kāwanatanga | Government
9. Pakihi | Business
10. Te Mahi Toi, Te Mahi Whakangahau | Arts and Entertainment
11. Hākinakina | Sports
12. Ngā Mahi Pāpāho | Broadcasting and Media
13. Te Wiki o te Reo Māori | Māori Language Week
In addition, awards may be given for:
14. Te Tohu Huia i te Reo – Supreme
15.Te Hau Kōrurenga – Culture Change
16. Te Tohu Oranga Angitu - Lifetime Achievement
Judges will be asked to look at each entry in the light of the five elements of revitalisation that form part of the revitalisation strategies of both the Crown and Māori (represented by Te Mātāwai).
These elements are Status, Critical Awareness, Acquisition, Use and Corpus (having the right words and terms).
The Māori Language Awards have been celebrated annually from 2004 and attract more than one hundred entries.
The Māori Language Commission Chief Executive Ngahiwi Apanui says this year’s awards coincide with the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL 2019). “Our promotion of te reo Māori is sparking increasing interest around the world and we are in turn learning from others’ efforts. This year’s Māori Language Week was our most successful yet: we reached millions of New Zealanders. We are focused on our goal of one million people speaking te reo Māori by 2040.”
“Our Māori language Champions should be celebrated. Kaua e whakamā – don’t hesitate! If you know of someone or an organisation that deserves recognition, nominate now on our website”.