He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori
He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori was built to support the joint vision of the Maihi Māori and Maihi Karauna strategies; a vision of a future where everyday conversations in te reo Māori are the norm and te reo Māori is valued as part of the national identity of Aotearoa.
He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori is a tool to help forge a path towards this future by forecasting the number of conversational and fluent speakers of te reo Māori from now until 2040. This tool was designed to be used by organisations working in the te reo Māori revitalisation space to understand who is speaking te reo Māori and where, as well as how changes to certain revitalisation initiatives may affect future numbers of te reo Māori speakers.
The data insights are presented for decision makers and industry experts to use this knowledge to tautoko their mahi in te reo Māori revitalisation.