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Precision and a passion for te reo Māori
Are you a highly proficient speaker of te reo Māori? Are you passionate about the precise, thoughtful, and expressive work of translating between languages? Toi Reo Māori might be for you!
Toi Reo Māori is a programme for highly proficient speakers of te reo Māori. It is currently offered at no cost to participants. The programme provides certification for those wishing to launch into a career as a translator or interpreter of te reo Māori.
Becoming a licensed translator or interpreter of te reo Māori means that you will:
- Be a highly proficient speaker of te reo Māori and English
- Have a strong understanding of grammar in te reo Māori (mainly translators)
- Be a proficient writer of te reo Māori (translation only)
- Be able to translate not just words and sentences, but also complex ideas across languages
- Be a proficient interpreter of the spoken word (interpreting only).
As an approximate guide, eligible candidates are those capable of scoring a Level 4 or 5 on the Level Finders Examination. Attending the webinars and completing any pre-entry exam, can help you understand whether or not you’re ready for the final examination. Be aware that the examination for certification of reo Māori translators and interpreters is very challenging and not all participants will pass.
How do I become a licensed translator or interpreter?
The 2025 programme consists of three parts:
A series of four preparatory webinars. During these webinars you will learn about the art of translating and interpreting from expert guest speakers, and also be provided with some preparation for the exam.
Webinars are strongly recommended for those who are interested in Toi Reo Māori certification.
Note: the webinars for the 2025 programme will take place over four Tuesday lunchtimes in March. Please register your interest at the bottom of the page for more information.
An online pre-entry test
The online pre-entry test is a short examination that allows us to better gauge whether you are at a suitable level to undertake the final in-person examination in Te Whanganui-a-Tara.
The Toi Reo Māori final examination
The final exam is an in-person exam at Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. There is a 3 hr exam for licensing translators, and for those taking on the interpretation examination, that test is approximately one hour.
Note: the 2025 exam will take place around early April. Please register your interest below for more information.

Register your interest
Register your interest now for Toi Reo Māori. The next programme will take place between March and April 2025. Once we have your details, we can provide you with a fuller idea of the programme and key dates.
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