Become a certified translator

Toi Reo Māori is a free training course that turns highly proficient speakers into qualified translators and interpreters. Several wānanga are held where you will learn the art of translating and interpreting from expert tutors.


Signing up

Register now for the upcoming Toi Reo Māori exam in the first half of 2025.

To register you must attend at least one Toi Reo Māori webinar in the Toi Reo Māori webinar series scheduled for November 2024.

Click here to register your expression of interest in the Toi Reo Māori exam and the webinar series.

Rēhita kaiwhakamāori

Translators register

Find a qualified translator


He Muka

Māori language publication

For everyday speakers of te reo Māori
