Tohu Manukura i te Reo Māori: Race Unity Speech Awards 2020
For the first time this year’s annual Race Unity Speech Awards included a new category for excellence in te reo: Tohu Manukura i te Reo | Māori Language Commission Award.
“We are proud to announce the inaugural Tohu Manukura i te Reo winner is Jen Marsh from Otago Girls’ High School. Her message of unity and determination was powerful and timely. Jen used her speech as an opportunity to educate others about Te Whiti o Rongomai and the invasion of Parihaka: while also reminding adults that young people’s views matter, now more than ever.”
“From these rangatira, we see the next layer of the korowai. The people, the kaitautoko. This race unity event paving the way for the opinions of rangatahi to matter even during a world pandemic. Proving the potential this korowai has for success” Jen Marsh
“Me anga whakamua ki te rangimārie, ki te waikanaetanga, ki te oranga tonutanga o tātau katoa! Me mautohe, maranga ake taku raukura e hei!”
“We are honoured to sponsor the new Tohu Manukura i te Reo award,” said Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori chief executive, Ngahiwi Apanui.
“As Aotearoa and the world continues to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Race Unity Awards shows us that young New Zealanders are already leading the way forward.”