He kupu mō mātou
About us
He kupu mō mātou
About us
Ngā mahi whakarauora
History & revitalisation
Ngā mahi whakarauora
History & revitalisation
Ngā mahi whakamāori
Ngā mahi whakamāori
Ngā kaupapa nui o te wā
News & events
Ngā kaupapa nui o te wā
News & events
Te whakamahere reo
Language planning
Te whakamahere reo
Language planning
Ngā rangahau me ngā pūrongo
Research & reports
Ngā rangahau me ngā pūrongo
Research & reports
Why don’t you sell merchandise? It’s great for promoting te reo.
As a government agency there are restrictions on the sorts of commercial activities we can be involved in.
Our logo is available for public use to support revitalisation efforts. You can print your own merchandise using our logo as long as there is no commercial gain involved - our tohu it is not to be sold or profited from in any scenario.
You are allowed to print hoodies and other merchandise for your workplace, school or group as long as there is no markup applied. You must organise your own printer and supplier.
By using our logo you agree to adhere to our brand guidelines and T&Cs. Download our heitiki logo for print here.
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