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How can I become a licensed translator and/or interpreter?
Toi Reo Māori is our free training course that turns highly proficient Māori/English speakers into qualified translators and interpreters. A number of wānanga are held where you will learn the art of translating and interpreting from expert tutors.
Learn more about Toi Reo Māori here.
Is there a fee to attend Toi Reo Māori?
No. There are no costs for tuition or course resources, however if travel is required for hui whakangungu, participants must cover their own transportation costs.
Can I do the course training online?
We will be providing 3 hui whakangungu between the months of March, April, and May in 2023. All hui whakangungu and whakamātautau will be facilitated online.
What is the entry criteria, and what qualifications are required for entry to Toi Reo Māori?
To enrol into the programme, all participants are required to complete a pre-entry assessment that consists of two translation tasks. These will be marked; however, the results will not be returned to you as they do not constitute a formal assessment and are merely to provide the tutors an opportunity to gauge your current translation ability and suitability for the programme.
Prospective candidates must be:
- an extremely high proficient speaker and writer of the Māori language
- an extremely high proficient speaker and writer of the English language, to ensure one’s ability to transfer ideas and communicate with both languages confidently
- capable to translate the essence of any kōrero, as well as literal translations
- certified with a degree level qualification in Māori studies or must have successfully completed an equivalent te reo Māori qualification above Level 9
- successful in completing other studies at Tertiary level; and
- prospective candidates must have at least 10 years’ experience in studying, researching, teaching, speaking, and writing Māori, as well as an extensive and excellent knowledge of the English language
- successful candidates must become “active translators”, which includes, but is not limited to, making yourself available to complete and actively respond to translation requests; and
- this course is similar to that of a Masters’ level degree. The expectation is that all applicants will be capable to participate in class work at this level confidently.
How often are Toi Reo Māori examinations held?
Toi Reo Māori examinations are held yearly, this year's exam will be in May 2023.
Who organises Toi Reo Māori?
Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori is entitled under schedule 6 of the Māori Language Act 2016 ‘to award certificates of competency in the translation and interpretation of the Māori language’.
What preparation is required to achieve the necessary standard?
In order to be accepted in the Toi Reo Māori certification programme, prospective candidates must successfully pass the entrance assessment that requires an 80% pass rate. There is a section in the pre-entry that assesses the written capability of the candidate in the Māori and English language, another section provides an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their wider knowledge and technical language skills, to determine for themselves if they are a right fit for the course.
Is attendance to all hui whakangungu compulsory?
Can I use my regional or tribal variations in vocabulary and grammar structures?
Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori promotes a standard form of Māori, agreed to by experts and used in most dictionaries, grammars, education, broadcasting and most public sector agencies. We will provide participants with a copy of the Orthographic Convention Guidelines to assist you during this course. We ask that all participants adhere to these. Please see the link to the Guidelines on our website: Māori Language Orthography.
Is there an internal assessment?
Yes. There are three internal written assessments during the course, each assessment is worth 30% each and one written examination which is worth 10%, totalling 100%. If you are invited to undergo the oral interpretation examination, this consists of 100%.
What shall I bring to the training courses?
A laptop, on-line or hard-copy dictionaries, notebook and other resources that will help you during the course.
When do registrations close?
Registrations will close at 5pm, on Tuesday, 31 January 2023. Register now.
I have my translator’s license but my name isn’t on the register...
If you or someone you know is a translator and/or interpreter licenced by Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori, and not on the register, you can add your details by filling in this form.
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