He kupu mō mātou
About us
He kupu mō mātou
About us
Ngā mahi whakarauora
History & revitalisation
Ngā mahi whakarauora
History & revitalisation
Ngā mahi whakamāori
Ngā mahi whakamāori
Ngā kaupapa nui o te wā
News & events
Ngā kaupapa nui o te wā
News & events
Te whakamahere reo
Language planning
Te whakamahere reo
Language planning
Ngā rangahau me ngā pūrongo
Research & reports
Ngā rangahau me ngā pūrongo
Research & reports
Why just a week? Why not a month or year?
Initiatives like Māori Language Week and Mahuru Māori are successful ways to mobilise people around te reo Māori.
Mahuru Māori was launched in 2017, it challenges fluent speakers to speak te reo throughout the month of September.
In 2020, we launched a new website www.reomaori.co.nz that supports learners and supporters throughout the year, not just in September. We now have opportunities for engagement all year round.
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