He kupu mō mātou
About us
He kupu mō mātou
About us
Ngā mahi whakarauora
History & revitalisation
Ngā mahi whakarauora
History & revitalisation
Ngā mahi whakamāori
Ngā mahi whakamāori
Ngā kaupapa nui o te wā
News & events
Ngā kaupapa nui o te wā
News & events
Te whakamahere reo
Language planning
Te whakamahere reo
Language planning
Ngā rangahau me ngā pūrongo
Research & reports
Ngā rangahau me ngā pūrongo
Research & reports
We have commissioned research and evaluation since we were founded in 1987. Currently we are focused on projects that support the implementation of the Maihi Karauna and Te Whare o te Reo Mauriora.
You can find out about some of our major projects down below.