He kupu mō mātou
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He kupu mō mātou
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Te whakamahere reo
Language planning
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"We started with a speech about the significance of this date and time, followed by waiata & karakia. The shared lunch was a group effort with everyone participating, from the table decorations to the homemade rewana bread and steamed pudding. Everyone felt the wairua of c...
Error - unknown module_layout - did parent page slug change?Matt
Matt shows us that you can be anywhere doing anything and still take a moment to join in te Wā Tuku Reo! "At 12pm on Monday, I met the brother Glen. He was simply doing his mahi and working next to us when I was getting into my car at 12pm. This was our paku korero! I found ou...
Error - unknown module_layout - did parent page slug change?