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Kura Reo Rāngai Tūmatanui Registration of Interest
Maritime Tower
August 13, 2024 at 9:00am - August 16, 2024
Tēnā koe
Huakina mai rā te tatau o te whare o te reo Māori. Tomo mai kia pāinaina ai tātou i te takuahi o te Kura Reo – Rāngai Tūmatanui e ngiha nei, e whitawhita nei. Takahia mai rā te ihonui i takahia rā e ngā kaiwhakarauora i te reo o tūnohunohu mā, kia tika, kia rere, kia Māori. Ko tātou ngā hautoa e pakanga nei kia ora ai te reo taketake o tēnei whenua. Ko ā tātou rākau pakanga, ko ō tātou whatumanawa, ko ō tātou hinengaro me ō tātou arero. Nau mai ki te tauā o te reo Māori!
E hiamo ana a Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori ki te whakapuaki i te kura reo tuarua mō ngā kaimahi o te rāngai tūmatanui.
E pōhiri ana mātou i ngā kaimahi nō te rāngai tūmatanui kua whai wāhi ki tō mātou Kura Reo i mua, kua whakawhiwhia rānei ki te Taumata 3 neke ake rānei o Whakamāturia tō Reo ki te tuku tono.
Ko te whāinga o tēnei Kura Reo ko te aro ki te pikinga ake o te matea i te rāngai ki ngā āheitanga me te whakawhanaketanga o te reo Māori. Mai i ngā mahere reo ki ngā mahi o ia rā a tō rōpū whakahaere, he nui te matea ki te reo Māori, waihoki te matea ki tētahi rāngaimahi reo Māori whai pūkenga e kaha ana ki te pīkau tika i ēnei mahi.
Ka tukua e tēnei Kura Reo ētahi ara hei whakawhanake i tō mātau ki te reo Māori, hei tūhono ki kaimahi kē, hei ako hoki i te reo i roto i tētahi horopaki e hāngai pū ana ki ngā kaimahi kāwanatanga. E hiamo ana mātou ki te whakapuaki i ngā kaikōrero, kaiako kauanuanu nui nei o tēnei Kura Reo:
Ko Te Uranga Lee Belk rātou ko Piripi Winiata, ko Vini Olsen-Reeder, Ko Aperehama Hurihanganui.
Ngā kawatau mō ngā kaiuru:
Ka whai tēnei Kura Reo i tētahi whakatakoto ōrite ka kitea atu i ētahi atu huri noa i te motu. Me taea e ngā kaiuru te noho rumaki, ahakoa kāore pea e matatau ana ki te kōrero. Koinei te take me whai i te tohu taumata reo 3, neke ake o Whakamātauria tō Reo. Ka whakarōpūhia ngā tauira ki tētahi o ngā rōpū e whā e ai ki tō matatau ki te reo Māori, ā, ko ngā kaiako ka āta aro ki ngā taumata o ia rōpū i a rātou e ako ana. Ka tū tētahi pōhiri i te rangi tuatahi. Kia mōhio mai, kāore he kōwhiringa ā-ipurangi, ka mutu, ki te hua ake ētahi aukatitanga nā te Kōwheori-19, ka whakatārewangia te Kura Reo.
Ko te tikanga kia noho mai ngā kaiuru i te roanga ake o te Kura Reo, waihoki, me whakamōhio mehemea ka kore e tae mai kia whakakapia ai te tūranga.
Ngā taipitopito:
- Ka tū tēnei Kura Reo i te 13 o Ākuhata ki te 16 o Ākuhata 2024.
- Ka tū ki Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori – Taumata 9, Maritime House, 10 Customhouse Quay, Te Whanganui-a-Tara 6011
- Ka tū anake i ngā haora mahi, ka kore e pō. Nā reira, ko ngā kaiuru nō waho o Te Whanganui-a-Tara me kuhu i a rātou anō ki te whai wāhi moe.
- $800 te utu o te haramai. Ka kapi i tēnei ngā akoranga, ngā nama o ngā kaiako me ngā kaitautoko, ngā kaikauhau manuhiri me ngā kai.
- Ka katia ngā rēhitatanga i roto i te rua wiki i te 26 o Hūrae 2024.
Mēnā kei te hia tae mai koe ki tēnei Kura Reo, rēhita mai ki kōnei.
Ka whakamōhio wawehia atu ngā kaiuru, ā, ko te hunga wairuatoa ka whakamōhiotia, ka tukua ki tētahi rārangi tatari.
Me he pātai atu anō, tēnā, me whakapā mai.
UPDATE: Registration of Interest has remained open - this is the first step in the registration process.
Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori is pleased to announce the second Kura Reo to be held for staff within the public sector.
We are inviting public sector staff who have participated in our Kura Reo previously, or who have received an accreditation of Level 3 or higher on the Level Finders Examination to apply.
The aim of this Kura Reo is to address the growing need for te reo Māori capabilities and development within the sector. From language plans to the daily business functions of your organisation, the need for te reo Māori is strong, as well as the need for a skilled reo Māori workforce who can carry out these functions to the best of their abilities.
This Kura Reo will provide opportunities to develop your reo capability, to network with other kaimahi, and to learn reo in a context specific to public servants. We are pleased to announce the following highly esteemed speakers and educators as kaiako for this Kura Reo:
Te Uranga Lee Belk, Piripi Winiata, Vini Olsen-Reeder and, Aperahama Hurihanganui
Participant expectations:
This Kura Reo will follow a similar format to others around the country. Participants must be able to engage in a full-immersion environment, even if they are not confident to speak fluently. This is why participants must have an LFE qualification of Level 3 or higher.
Participants will be placed in one of four groups, organised according to your capability with te reo Māori, and the kaiako will cater to the abilities of each group while learning. There will be a pōhiri on the first day. Please note there will be no option for online attendance and should any Covid-19 restrictions come into place, the Kura Reo will be postponed.
Participants are expected to be present for the whole of the Kura Reo and to communicate if they cannot attend so that another can take their place.
- This Kura Reo will take place from the 13 of August to the 16 of August 2024.
- It will be hosted at Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori - Level 9, Maritime House, 10 Customhouse Quay, Wellington 6011
- It will occur across normal work hours only, with no overnight element. As such, participants from outside Wellington will have to arrange their own accommodation.
- The cost to attend is $800 (excl. GST). This covers the learning, the time of kaiako and support staff, guest speakers and kai.
- Registrations close on the 26 July 2024.
If you would like to attend this Kura Reo, please register your interest.
Successful applicants will be confirmed shortly after, and unsuccessful applicants will be notified and placed on a waiting list.
Please feel free to get in touch if you have any other questions.
$800.00 NZD