He kupu mō mātou
About us
He kupu mō mātou
About us
Ngā mahi whakarauora
History & revitalisation
Ngā mahi whakarauora
History & revitalisation
Ngā mahi whakamāori
Ngā mahi whakamāori
Ngā kaupapa nui o te wā
News & events
Ngā kaupapa nui o te wā
News & events
Te whakamahere reo
Language planning
Te whakamahere reo
Language planning
Ngā rangahau me ngā pūrongo
Research & reports
Ngā rangahau me ngā pūrongo
Research & reports
Examination rules
- Cell phones
- This is a closed book exam – dictionaries or assistance in any form, from or of another person is strictly prohibited
- Ensure you have water at hand and snacks if needed.
- Ensure you arrive at least 10 minutes before the examination to confirm registration and your Candidate number
- You must follow all instructions given by the coordinator.